Seminario 2015-2018



Flavia Bonomo

Universidad de Buenos Aires

"3-Coloreo de grafos sin triángulos ni caminos inducidos de longitud 7"

El problema de coloreo de grafos es usado habitualmente para modelar diversos problemas reales. Vamos a hablar en esta charla sobre coloreo en grafos con subgrafos inducidos prohibidos, y en particular 3-coloreo de grafos sin triángulos ni caminos inducidos de longitud 7.
Este es un trabajo conjunto con Maria Chudnovsky, Peter Maceli, Oliver Schaudt, Maya Stein y Mingxian Zhong.




Andreas Wiese

Universidad de Chile, Chile

"Parameterized (1+eps)-approximation algorithms for packing problems"

Approximation algorithms and parameterized algorithms are two well-established ways to deal with NP-hard problems. In the first case, the goal is to compute in polynomial time a solution of cost close to the optimum. In the second case, the goal is to compute an optimal solution in (FPT) time f(k)n^O(1), where k is some parameter of the input. The recent area of parameterized approximation seeks to combine the two approaches by, e.g., aiming for (1+eps)-approximations in f(k,eps)n^g(eps) time.
We present such algorithms for three important packing problems: for the Maximum Independent Set of Rectangles problem, for the Unsplittable Flow on a Path problem, and for the Two-Dimensional Knapsack problem with rotations. All three problems are W[1]-hard and hence we do not expect to find an FPT algorithm for them. Also, it seems very difficult to construct a PTAS for them which motivates studying parameterized (1+eps)-approximations for them.
Joint work with Fabrizio Grandoni and Stefan Kratsch.




Moshe Rosenfeld

Institute of Technology de la Universidad de Washington, Tacoma

"Starters what you know or would like to learn: old and new open problems"

Let G be an Abelian group of odd order. A starter in G is a partition of G \ {0} into disjoint pairs {a_1 , b_1 }, \ldots , {a_n , b_n } such that:

1. \cup_{i =1}^n { ± (a_i - b_i) } = G \ {0}.
2. {±(a_i - b_i)} \cap {± (a_j - b_j)} = \emptyset

Starters are frequently used as tools in many combinatorial designs. In this talk I will discuss mostly starters in Z_{2n+1}. I will survey some known starter open problems and their status and introduce a few new ones. .

