FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays)

Many remote sensing applications require on-board, real time processing with low power consumption. Solutions based in FPGA implementations are common in these cases to optimize the processing resources needed. In this paper we describe an FPGA based solution for a remote sensing application that processes real time video from an infrared camera in order to identify hot spots.

The solution reduces the information in each frame to the location and spatial configuration of each hot spot present in the frame. The proposed method successfully segments the image with a total processing delay equal to the acquisition time of one pixel (that is, at the video rate). This processing delay is independent of the image size. The solution is not tied up to one specific camera, and may be used with several infrared cameras with minor adjustments. FPGA area equations are also presented in order to calculate the needed FPGA size for a particular application.

Keywords: real time image processing, FPGA, remote sensing, hot spot detection, embedded computing.

Researchers: Dr.Patricia Borensztejn, Andres Stoliar and Sol Pedre
{ patricia, astoliar,spedre}@dc.uba.ar
Departamento de Computacion, FCEyN, UBA.