Herman Schinca CV
Personal Data
Nationality: Argentine
Birth date: February 13th, 1987
E-mail: hschinca (AT) dc (DOT) uba (DOT) ar
E-mail: hschinca (AT) dc (DOT) uba (DOT) ar
Work Experience
Teaching Assistant at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Departamento de Computación (March 2009 - Today):
- Computer Organization I, 1st semester, 2012.
Logic and Computability, 2nd semester, 2010 and 2011.
Introduction to Computing, 1st semester, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Algorithms and Data Structures I, both semesters, 2009.
Popularization of Science
- Coordinator of "Workshops in Science: Investigation and Tecnology in Computing", Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEyN), Departamento de Computación (DC), 2011.
- Speaker at "The Week of Computing", UBA, FCEyN, DC, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 editions.
- Teacher at "En La Tecla", a computing literacy teaching course, August 2010 - Today.
- Speaker at "ExpoUBA Plaza de las Ciencias", UBA, 2010 edition.
- Science Popularizer, UBA, FCEyN, DC, March 2010 - December 2010.
- Speaker at Max Planck Society's Science Tunnel in Buenos Aires, March and April 2010.
- Speaker at "Noche de los Museos", UBA, FCEyN, Departamento de Extensión (DE), 2008, 2009 and 2010.
- Speaker at 35th "Feria Internacional del LIbro de Buenos Aires", 2009.
- Science Popularizer, UBA, FCEyN, DE, March 2008 - March 2010.
Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación (Equivalent to Master, 6-years studies with final thesis), UBA, FCEyN:
- In progress: ~90% done.
- Average: 9.0/10.
- Thesis ( ~50% done). Topic: modelling and studying of Reversible Electroporation (ECT) and Electrochemical Treatment (EChT) for the treatment of tumors. Advisor: Dr. Pablo Turjanski (UBA, Argentina).
- Courses taken:
- 2011: Introduction to Speech Tecnologies. Secure Programming via Libraries. Numerical Methods. Seminar about Computing, Science and Society in Argentina. Seminar about Computing History. Computability Theory.
- 2010: Software Engineering II. Concurrency and Mobility Foundation. Game Theory. Language Theory. Data Bases. Programming Language Paradigms.
- 2009: Communication Theory. Logic and Computability. Software Engineering I. Probability and Stadistics. Operating Systems.
- 2008: Computer Organization II. Algorithms and Data Structures III.
- 2007: Computer Organization I. Algorithms and Data Structures II. Algorithms and Data Structures I. Analysis II.
- 2006: Algebra I. Analysis I. Introduction to Advanced Calculus. Linear Algebra.
“Bachiller especializado en Ciencias Exactas, Tecnología y Diseño”, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA), 06/03/2006.
- Spanish: mothertongue.
- English: Intermediate level.
- French: Intermediate level.
Interests and Activities
Functional Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Secutiry, Language Theory, Natural Language Processing, Algebra, Teaching, Swimming, Play and Listen Music, Reading Literature, Philosophy and Politics.