Verónica Becher

       Pablo Pschepiurca
    Normal numbers, combinatorics on words, automata

  1. N. Alvarez, V. Becher, E. Cesaratto, M. Mereb, Y. Peres and B. Weiss. "Poisson genericity in numeration systems with exponentially mixing probabilities", Submitted 2024. pdf

  2. V. Becher and T. Tropea, "Lyndon pairs and the lexicographically greatest perfect necklace", Combinatorics and Number Theory 13 (4): 361-375, 2024 doi pdf arxiv

  3. N. Alvarez, V. Becher, M. Mereb, I. Pajor and C. S. Soto. "De Bruijn sequences with minimum discrepancy", Submitted 2024. pdf arxiv

  4. V. Becher and N. Graus. "The discrepancy estimate of the Champernowne constant", Submitted 2024. pdf arxiv

  5. V. Becher, O. Carton and S. Figueira. " Rauzy dimension and finite-state dimension", Submitted 2024. pdf arxiv

  6. V. Becher, A. Marchionna and G. Tenenbaum, "Simply normal numbers with digit dependencies", Mathematika, 69(4):988-991, 2023. doi pdf arxiv

  7. V. Becher and O. Carton. "Nested perfect arrays", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 70(10):7463-7471, 2024. doi pdf arxiv link

  8. N. Álvarez, V. Becher, M. Mereb, I. Pajor and C. M. Soto On extremal factors of de Bruijn-like graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 357:352–364, 2024 pdf arxiv link

  9. V. Becher, S. Jackson, D. Kwietniak and B. Mance, " The descriptive complexity of the set of Poisson generic numbers", accepted in Journal of Mathematical Logic, 2024. doi pdf arxiv

  10. V. Becher. "Insertion in constructed normal numbers", Uniform Distribution Theory 17(1): 55-76, 2022. pdf arxiv link

  11. V. Becher and G. Sac Himelfarb. "A construction of a λ-Poisson generic sequence", Mathematics of Computation 92:1453-1466, 2023. arxiv doi

  12. N. Alvarez and V. Becher and M. Mereb. "Poisson generic sequences", International Mathematics Research Notices rnac234, 2022. pdf arxiv doi

  13. V. Becher and M. Madritsch. "On a question of Mendès France on normal numbers", Acta Arithmetica 203: 271-288, 2022. pdf arxiv doi link

  14. V. Becher and E. Cesaratto. "On the number of words with restrictions on the number of symbols". Advances of Applied Mathematics 136: 102321, 2022. pdf arxiv doi link

  15. V. Becher and S. Grigorieff. "Randomness and uniform distribution modulo one", Information and Computation Volume 285, Part B, May 2022, 104857 pdf arxiv doi

  16. V. Becher and L. Cortés. "Extending de Bruijn sequences to larger alphabets", Information Processing Letters 168: 106085, 2021 arxiv doi

  17. E. Almansi and V. Becher. "Completely uniformly distributed sequences based on de Bruijn sequences", Mathematics of Computation 89: 2537-2551, 2020. pdf arxiv doi

  18. V. Becher and O. Carton and I. Mollo Cunningham. "Low discrepancy sequences failing Poissonian pair correlations", Archiv der Mathematik 113(2):169–178, 2019. pdf arxiv doi

  19. C. Aistleitner and V. Becher and O. Carton. "Normal numbers with digit dependendencies", Transactions of American Mathematical Society 372 (6): 4425--4446, 2019. pdf arXiv doi

  20. V. Becher and O. Carton. "Normal numbers and nested perfect necklaces", Journal of Complexity 54:101403, 2019. pdf arXiv doi

  21. N. Alvarez and V. Becher and O. Carton. "Finite-state independence and normal sequences", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 103, 1--17, 2019 pdf arXiv doi

  22. V. Becher and J. Reimann and T. Slaman. "Irrationality Exponent, Hausdorff Dimension and Effectivization", Monatshefte für Mathematik, 185(2):167--188, 2018. pdf arXiv doi

  23. V. Becher and S. Yuhjtman. "On absolutely normal and continued fraction normal numbers", International Mathematics Research Notices 19: 6136--6161, 2019. pdf arXiv doi

  24. V. Becher and O. Carton. Chapter "Normal numbers and Computer Science" In "Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory", Valérie Berthé and Michel Rigó editors. Trends in Mathematics Series, Birkhauser/Springer, 2018. pdf link

  25. V. Becher and O. Carton and P.A. Heiber. "Finite-state independence", Theory of Computing Systems 62(7):1555–1572, 2018. pdf arXiv doi  

  26. C. Aistleitner and V. Becher and A.-M. Scheerer and T. Slaman. "On the construction of absolutely normal numbers", Acta Arithmetica 180(4): 333--346, 2017. pdf arXiv doi

  27. N. Alvarez and V. Becher. "M. Levin's construction of absolutely normal numbers with very low discrepancy", Mathematics of Computation 86(308): 2927-2946, 2017. doi pdf

  28. V. Becher and Y. Bugeaud and T. Slaman. "On simply normal numbers to different bases", Mathematische Annalen, 364(1): 125-150, 2016. doi pdf

  29. V. Becher and Y. Bugeaud and T. Slaman. "The irrationality exponents of computable numbers", Proceedings of American Mathematical Society 144:1509--1521, 2016. doi pdf

  30. N. Alvarez and V. Becher and P. Ferrari and S. Yuhjtman. "Perfect necklaces", Advances of Applied Mathematics 80:48--61, 2016. doi pdf

  31. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber and T. Slaman. "A computable absolutely normal Liouville number", Mathematics of Computation 84(296): 2939--2952, 2015. doi pdf

  32. V. Becher and O. Carton and P.A. Heiber. "Normality and automata", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 81(8): 1592--1613, 2015. doi pdf

  33. V. Becher and T. Slaman. "On the normality of numbers to different bases", Journal of the London Mathematical Society 90 (2): 472--494, 2014. doi pdf

  34. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber and T. Slaman. "Normal numbers and the Borel hierarchy", Fundamenta Mathematicae 226: 63-77, 2014. doi pdf

  35. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber and T. Slaman. "A polynomial-time algorithm for computing absolutely normal numbers", Information and Computation 232: 1--9, 2013. doi pdf

  36. V.Becher and P.A. Heiber. "Normal numbers and finite automata", Theoretical Computer Science 477: 109--116, 2013. doi pdf

  37. V. Becher. "Turing's note on normal numbers" pages 408-411 in Alan Turing - His Work and Impact, editors S Barry Cooper and Jan van Leeuwen, Elsevier, 2013 (Prose Award 2013) pdf

  38. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber. "A linearly computable measure of string complexity", Theoretical Computer Science, 438: 62--73, 2012. doi pdf  software (run it as ./runk_onefile [alphabet size]) plotter

  39. V. Becher. "Turing's normal numbers: towards randomness", S.B. Cooper, A.Dawar, B. Löwe (eds.), CiE 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7318:35--45, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. Springer link   pdf

  40. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber. "On extending de Bruijn sequences", Information Processing Letters 111: 930--932, 2011. doi  pdf

  41. V. Becher and S.Figueira and R. Picchi. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers", Theoretical Computer Science 377: 126-138, 2007. doi  pdf

  42. V. Becher and S. Figueira, "An example of a computable absolutely normal number", Theoretical Computer Science 270: 947--958, 2002. doi   pdf

  43. Algorithmic randomness (Omega-numbers and Kolmogorov complexity)

  44. V. Becher and S.Grigorieff. "From index sets to randomness in the n-th jump of the halting problem. Random reals and possibly infinite computations", Journal of Symbolic Logic, 74(1):124--156, 2009. doi   pdf

  45. V. Becher and S. Grigorieff. "Random reals à la Chaitin with or without prefix freeness", Theoretical Computer Science 385: 193--201, 2007. doi  pdf

  46. V. Becher and S.Figueira and S.Grigorieff and J.Miller. "Randomness and Halting Probabilities", Journal of Symbolic Logic 71:4, 1411--1430, 2006. doi  pdf

  47. V. Becher and S. Grigorieff. "Random Reals and Possibly Infinite Computations. Part I: randomness in the Halting Problem", Journal of Symbolic Logic 70(3): 891--913, 2005. doi   pdf

  48. V. Becher and S. Figueira and A. Nies and S. Picchi. "Program size complexity for possibly infinite computations", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46(1): 51--64, 2005. doi  pdf

  49. V. Becher and S. Figueira, "Kolmogorov Complexity for Possibly Infinite Computations", Journal of Logic Language and Information, 14(2): 133 --148, 2005. doi   pdf

  50. V. Becher and G. Chaitin. "Another example of higher order randomness", Fundamenta Informaticae, 51(4):.325--338, 2002. pdf

  51. V. Becher and S.Daicz and G.Chaitin, "A highly random number", Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, editors C.Calude, M. J.Dineen and S.Sburlan, Springer Verlag, London, 55--68, 2001. pdf

  52. Descriptive set theory (effective)

  53. V.Becher and S.Grigorieff. "Borel and Hausdorff hierarchies in topological spaces of Choquet games and their effectivization", Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25(7): 1490-1519 (2015), doi pdf

  54. V.Becher and S.Grigorieff. "Wadge hardness in Scott spaces and its effectivization", Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25(7): 1520-1545 (2015) doi pdf

  55. V. Becher and S. Grigorieff. "Recursion and topology on the space of finite and infinite words for possibly Infinite computations", Theoretical Computer Science, 322 (1): 85-136, 2004. doi   pdf

  56. Classical Propositional Logic

  57. C.Areces and V.Becher and S.Ferro. "Characterization Results for d-Horn Formulas, or On formulas that are true on Dual Reduced Products". Logic, Language and Computation, 3, Cavedon, P.Blackburn, N.Braisby and A. Shimojima.(eds), CSLI Publications, 49--66, 2000. pdf

  58. Algorithms on words

  59. V. Becher and A. Deymonnaz and P.A. Heiber. "Efficient repeat finding via suffix arrays", arXiv software

  60. P. Barenbaum and V. Becher and A. Deymonnaz and M. Halsband, and P.A. Heiber. "Efficient repeat finding in sets of strings via suffix arrays", Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 15(2), 2013. pdf DOI software

  61. Algorithms for natural sequences

  62. P. Turjanski and G.Parra and R. Espada and V. Becher and D. Ferreiro. "Protein repeats from first principles", Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 23959, 2016. link doi pdf

  63. F. Serra and V. Becher and H. Dopazo. "Neutral theory predicts the relative abundance and diversity of genetic elements in a broad array of eukaryotic genomes", PLoS ONE 8(6): e63915, 2013. doi

  64. V. Becher and P.A. Heiber and A. Deymonnaz. "Efficient computation of all perfect repeats in genomic sequences of up to half a Gigabyte, with a case study on the Human genome", Bioinformatics 25(14):1746--1753, 2009. doi  pdf  arXiv(with proofs of correctness) software

  65. On the Logic of Theory Change (AGM belief revision)

  66. C. Areces and V. Becher. "Iterable AGM functions", Frontiers of Belief Revision, editors H.Rott and M.Williams, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 261--277, 2001.

  67. C.Areces and V. Becher, "Update, the infinite case", Proceedings of the Argentinean Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science, in the 28 Jornadas Argentinas de Informáatica e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO), Buenos Aires, Technical report INRIA 00000339 September 1999. link

  68. V. Becher and Fermé and S. Lazzer and R. Rodriguez and C. Oller and G. Palau. "Some Observations on Carlos Alchourrón's Theory of Defeasible Conditionals". Norms Logics and Information Systems, P.Mc Namara and H. Prakken (eds), New Studies on Deontic Logic and Computer Science, IOS Press, 219--230, 1999.

  69. C. Boutilier and V. Becher, "Abduction as Belief Revision", Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 77(1): 43--94, 1995. doi  pdf

  70. C.Areces and V. Becher. "On the Logic for Utopia", In Annals of the 1st CACiC, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 1995. link pdf

  71. V. Becher. "Two Conditional Logics for Defeasible Inference: A Comparison. Preliminary Version", Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Notes in Artificial Intelligence, editors J. Wainer and A. Carvalho. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 49--58, 1995.

  72. V. Becher. "Unified Semantics for Revision and Update, or the Theory of Lazy Update", Proceedings of the 24 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO), SADIO (eds). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. pdf

  73. C. Boutilier and V. Becher, "A Model of Preferred Explanations", Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI93), Washington DC, 642--648, 1993.

  74. Editorial

  75. Report from Dagstuhl Seminar Computability, Complexity and Randomness 2012, Verónica Becher, Laurent Bienvenu, Rodney Downey, and Elvira Mayordomo. Schloss Dagstuhl, Seminar 12021, January 8-13, 2012.

Facundo López Bristot, Traducción del alemán al español del artículo "Endliche Automaten und Zufallsfolgen", C. P. Schnorr y H. Stimm, Acta Informatica, 1:345--359. Springer-Verlag, 1972. Beca CIN, 2012.